This was supposed to be it. The big one. The dream maker. IT. Two major routes: 5 & 20. Three towns: Caledonia, Avon, Lima. Three days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I had built this up in my mind to ridiculous proportions. I'll give you that. I was picturing similar things that I had seen between the covers of Country Living and magazines like that. Miles of tents and tables, vendors and craftsmen. It was going to be epic. And it was right here. Right in my back yard. Thankfully, I decided not to be too hasty. I didn't go whole hog, if you can believe it. I chose only to do Saturday and see how things went. Do a little research and be prepared for whole hog next year. It turns out the hog wasn't as big as I thought.
Plus there was the fact that it rained. And thundered. And lightninged. Wow, lightninged is really a word, who knew? One sale here, another down this road and one three blocks away. No tents, no vendors, no craftsmen. We went to a church sale and a rather large lawn sale. Then we got some brunch. Then we went home. A pretty sad state of affairs for The Big One.
I did come away with some trophies though. So did everyone else. In attendance: Sarah Mae, Andrew, Lilah, The Husband and I. Since I didn't get ANYTHING last time, I'm going to show you my finds first.

I did come away with some trophies though. So did everyone else. In attendance: Sarah Mae, Andrew, Lilah, The Husband and I. Since I didn't get ANYTHING last time, I'm going to show you my finds first.
So, I'm going to be honest and tell you I don't really know what the thing on the left is. I do know that it was $2 and that I had to have it. If I had to guess I'd say it was some kind of a fairy tea party set for kids in the 50's. I have no idea if that's true. You could only put the tiniest amount of liquid in the cup things, so it can't be for real use...can it? If you have an idea of what it is, let me know. For now it's taking pride of placement on my jadeite cake plate. The tiny plastic couch is retro, red and priced right at a quarter. Who could refuse?

Wow. Check this stuff out, will ya? Skull? Check! Koosh ball mouse? Check! Vintage E.T. toy? Yes indeed! All of this stuff cost me $2. The Santa mug is for a friend, the Koosh and E.T are for my Etsy page and the skull is obviously for my Halloween decor. I mean, come on, that is going to look good next to the dead doll casket vignette. The crazy rabbit is for me and I think I'll fix the's eyeball and give it to a friend who I hope will love it.

Nick's finds, all for 60 cents. You can see what they are, no explanation needed, eh?

Mom's lot. The boots were $1 a pair and I think everything else was like 50 cents total. She also got an aqua plastic couch, on a larger scale than my little red one. Very cool. Here is a close up of the vintage wallet:

Sarah Mae and Andrew got some T-shirts, a tiny watch and an Infant of Prague statue that came with different dresses. It wasn't a doll, just a statue. With wardrobe changes. It was the first time I'd ever encountered that. It reminds me of people who have duck statues in their lawn that they dress up for different holidays. It makes me wonder if people like that wanted kids and could never have them or something. Or maybe they just love accessorizing. Anyway, I didn't take pictures of their stuff because it was pouring rain and they were in the other car.
Luckily I threw out the idea of consoling ourselves at the Avon Flea Market the next day. And we did. And it was sunny and 75 degrees. Stay tuned.
Wow. Check this stuff out, will ya? Skull? Check! Koosh ball mouse? Check! Vintage E.T. toy? Yes indeed! All of this stuff cost me $2. The Santa mug is for a friend, the Koosh and E.T are for my Etsy page and the skull is obviously for my Halloween decor. I mean, come on, that is going to look good next to the dead doll casket vignette. The crazy rabbit is for me and I think I'll fix the's eyeball and give it to a friend who I hope will love it.
Nick's finds, all for 60 cents. You can see what they are, no explanation needed, eh?
Mom's lot. The boots were $1 a pair and I think everything else was like 50 cents total. She also got an aqua plastic couch, on a larger scale than my little red one. Very cool. Here is a close up of the vintage wallet:
Sarah Mae and Andrew got some T-shirts, a tiny watch and an Infant of Prague statue that came with different dresses. It wasn't a doll, just a statue. With wardrobe changes. It was the first time I'd ever encountered that. It reminds me of people who have duck statues in their lawn that they dress up for different holidays. It makes me wonder if people like that wanted kids and could never have them or something. Or maybe they just love accessorizing. Anyway, I didn't take pictures of their stuff because it was pouring rain and they were in the other car.
Luckily I threw out the idea of consoling ourselves at the Avon Flea Market the next day. And we did. And it was sunny and 75 degrees. Stay tuned.
Not sure if I'm right, but the mystery find, to me, looks like individual egg cup/holders. Just a guess... does an egg fit cozily inside?
ReplyDeleteThey are too small for normal sized eggs. But it is a great idea. I think it's a child's toy because of the scale. Maybe it originally came with plastic toy eggs!?