This weekend we got the Kia up to 88 miles an hour and traveled back in time to Yore, the days of. We did it last year, too. One of the things that I like most about Yore is that it's in a very shaded area, so even if it's really hot out, you can be in the shade at nearly all times. It's pretty hilly as well, which helps you walk off some of the 8 million pounds of fried food that you'll eat there. I didn't take many pictures because, there was food. A lot of food. And when there are eats, I get excited and distracted and want to keep my hands free for shoveling things into my maw.
Since I didn't take as many pictures as I should have I can't figure out how to order my stories or tell you about what happened there. And when I say "what happened there" I mean, "what I ate".
I think I'll make lists.
Things I saw that were funny:
~It was "Pirate Week" while we were there. We saw about 15 Jack Sparrows, all of them trying to get lucky. Even the 70 year old version. That is not a joke.
~Tails. Actual fur tails. Like, raccoon tails or fox tails or something. I don't know if they were made from real fur, but they sure looked it. And people were wearing them. As tails. Clearly I'm missing some slice of culture here to know what on earth is going on with all the tails.
Things I saw that were funny:
~It was "Pirate Week" while we were there. We saw about 15 Jack Sparrows, all of them trying to get lucky. Even the 70 year old version. That is not a joke.
~Tails. Actual fur tails. Like, raccoon tails or fox tails or something. I don't know if they were made from real fur, but they sure looked it. And people were wearing them. As tails. Clearly I'm missing some slice of culture here to know what on earth is going on with all the tails.
~Guys who love metal and clearly wanted to be in a hair band slightly re-imagining their wardrobe to be pirate wear. Very slightly.
~Drama kids of all ages. Working faux accents. Not breaking character. Ever. And also not getting paid for it.
~A little girl with a fake peg leg. It stuck straight out from her body when she walked because it was attached to her knee cap.
But more importantly...
Things I ate: ~A wine slushie (!!! Just as good as you could imagine)

~A bit of fried dough with blueberry sauce. HB couldn't finish it.
~Chicken fingers and fries. (I know, not very yore-sy, but sometimes I get in the mood for them. So sue me.)
~Sweet nuts. I cannot walk by them, smell them and not get some. The lady who sells them is a hoot. I heard her cow a man into buying two packages instead of one by telling him a story of enjoyment, the last line being "You can hold your nuts and have a taste explosion in your mouth at the same time." Quite a salesman, that lady.
~A bite of jerky, a few bites of a brownie ice cream sundae, some sips of beer, a few bites of a few different mile high cakes.
~A wine shlushie. (Yes, another one.)
Those were the high points.
The next day we went to a local craft show called Hearts and Crafts. It was outside of a coffee shop on the sidewalk. There were about 15 vendors. Some I recognized from Etsy, believe it or not. It was a fun show and I was glad to be able to buy a few things and support local artisans.

There were a lot of people selling great letter press prints. I chose this card. It's a birthday card but I'll be sending it on it's way to Philadelphia even though the birthday is past. I don't think the recipient will mind. I bought it from Fly Rabbit Press.
There were a lot of people selling great letter press prints. I chose this card. It's a birthday card but I'll be sending it on it's way to Philadelphia even though the birthday is past. I don't think the recipient will mind. I bought it from Fly Rabbit Press.
Why, why, WHYYYYYY didn't you get a picture of the 70-year-old Jack Sparrow?!?!?
ReplyDeleteFood. I thought I said that. ;)