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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The One Wherein I Have Crazy Ass Dreams

I've always had very detailed dreams. I used to regale my (Poor, dear) mother with tales of my nightly, unconscious escapades on the daily. I've kept dream journals at different times in my life as well.  Sometimes your brain makes up the weirdest, or coolest thing, and it needs to be remembered.

Last night's dream was such a tale.

I dreamed that I was in the newest Star Wars movie!
Cue John Williams. 

In this newest space jaunt, I play an intergalactic collector.  Of course.  My character searches the galaxy for old and rare treasure.  And I'm guessing, porcelain figurines.  Because everyone loves those.

The lead in the film is being played by Tigger.  Yes.  Tigger.  Of the "T-I-Double-Guh-Err" variety.

Oh, also, Miss Piggy is in the film.  And she's PISSED that she doesn't have a larger part.  As per usual.

She keeps inserting her own, angry lines of dialog, to make her part bigger.

In the scene we are rehearsing, I walk into Tigger's Tavern (Who better to run an interstellar bar, I ask you?) and a pair of bark cloth curtains catches my eye.  I must have them. (This may or may not be something that could happen in my real life, any day of the week.)

I swipe the curtains off the window and slam them down on a table.  I tell Tigger I'll pay any price for them. When he just stares at me in flummoxed silence (Because let's be honest. If he isn't singing a song about counting, or how to spell his own name, he doesn't really have a lot to offer in the acting arena.) I add ... "And a date."  As if a date with me would sweeten the deal.

At this point Piggy has heard enough and grabs the curtains saying, "Moi thinks these curtains must be something extra spec-ee-ale! (Not in the script)

I look helplessly at the director and then my dog starts scratching his ear like it's his job, and wakes me up.

Thanks for playing along kids, you've been a great audience.