There have been a lot of shout outs lately. Some people get them, some don't. Some people feel snubbed, some remind me of things that deserve shout outs and some sort of order me to do a shout out to a certain something... But in all honesty the certain something really does deserve a shout out.
It's there, quietly in the background, holding together the entire tableaux...every time. The Elmer's glue to my construction paper diorama. I couldn't have half the great displays that I've bragged about if it weren't for this one, golden (jadeite) treasure.
I give you: The Jadeite Cake Plate

(She'll hit me the the whipping stick if I don't say she was my favorite roommate. Either that or she'll cut me with a steak knife and then insist "Momma didn't mean it.")

Ever since then it has stood as the foundation of all of my holiday decorating. I never put this piece away. Ever. And so, in much deserved honor, I present to you, my Ode to a Cake Plate. A haiku.

This pillar of my life was given to me by one of my college roommates.

(She'll hit me the the whipping stick if I don't say she was my favorite roommate. Either that or she'll cut me with a steak knife and then insist "Momma didn't mean it.")

Ever since then it has stood as the foundation of all of my holiday decorating. I never put this piece away. Ever. And so, in much deserved honor, I present to you, my Ode to a Cake Plate. A haiku.

Creamy green titan.
Sitting without sly judgment.
You hold my plastic.
"You hold my plastic." BAhahahaha!! Drunken mother will be very happy about this.