So, the Rochester Tweed Ride is coming up pretty quickly. I'll actually be riding this year, so I'm not wearing the same outfit as last year. I'm not one of the awesome girls who can ride in a skirt and heels. There are lots of them here and I yearn for the day when I can join their ranks. Until then it will be pants and sensible shoes. And a clean pair of underwear in case I land in the hospital.
You may recall that I made my husband a pair of knickers last year. I want my own pair, so with that in mind we ventured forth to the land of the thrift store. Namely Henrietta, NY since there are no less than four within a two mile radius.
Let me show you what I got.

Speaking of bicycles! I found this rad sheet and the husband nearly did a jig. ($4.99 - Savers) I think we're going to make pillows out of them, or pillow cases, maybe. If I feel terribly ambitious before October I might just make one as a prize for the Tweed Ride. There are all kinds of games and prizes to be given out.
I also found this green on green pillowcase. (99 cents, Savers) I love things with roses on them. It's a recent discovery. I also love rose lotion, perfume and soap. I don't use it though because it gags the husband and makes him think that he's married to an 80 year old.

Two pairs of shoes from AmVets. Of course. I always find shoes there. Every single time. The brown flipflops were 99 cents and the black pair are a brand called "Grasshoppers". I had never heard of them but they are uber comfortable. ($1.98) I'm pretty sure they are meant for old ladies. There was another pair that were navy blue with red trim. They were deck shoes. I was all about them but they were vetoed by two different people. Apparently my wardrobe is a democratic state. Everyone gets a vote.

You know it's a good trip when you come back with Christmas goodies. The tree is pretty heavy because it's lucite coated in glitter. The santa is a candle holder although I won't be using him for that. He'll go into the cabinet. You know the one. I just love when pink is made into a Christmas color.

This striped sweater actually has shoulder buttons, too. ($3.98 - AmVets) What is with me and purple right now? Daria must be influencing me!

These are seersucker pants. Did you want to read that again? Go ahead, I'll wait. I'm going to make them into shorts for the next Seersucker Social Bike Ride. They were a bit more than I normally pay for costume pieces at $7.99, but they fit so, I didn't argue too much.

I'll probably be wearing this shirt with them. It's just for the bike rides, not for real life. ($1.98 - AmVets)

This is the pair of pants that I'm going to alter for the Tweed Ride. ($5.99 - Savers) They are super high waisted, which is perfect for a 1940's look. I think that they are really just hounds tooth, but I don't care. They look tweedy and will work just fine. Again, they fit, so I bought them.
Now, if I might, I'd like to go on a rant. About Goodwill. The prices there have become astronomical. As in, so high only the astronauts in outer space can see them. Which, if you think about it is pretty high. $9 for a used pair of pants?! $9 for a USED PAIR OF SHOES!?!? What happened to you as a child that you think someone will buy a pair of OLD SHOES for $9!? I got so angry I walked out. I advise you to do the same. Goodwill is on some kind of hard drugs and won't be coming back to reality for some time. You might want to steer clear. I advise you to shop at Amvets. It's huge, has tons and tons of clothes, house wears, etc. and the prices are honestly the lowest of any thrift store I've been to in recent memory.
Two pairs of shoes from AmVets. Of course. I always find shoes there. Every single time. The brown flipflops were 99 cents and the black pair are a brand called "Grasshoppers". I had never heard of them but they are uber comfortable. ($1.98) I'm pretty sure they are meant for old ladies. There was another pair that were navy blue with red trim. They were deck shoes. I was all about them but they were vetoed by two different people. Apparently my wardrobe is a democratic state. Everyone gets a vote.
You know it's a good trip when you come back with Christmas goodies. The tree is pretty heavy because it's lucite coated in glitter. The santa is a candle holder although I won't be using him for that. He'll go into the cabinet. You know the one. I just love when pink is made into a Christmas color.
This striped sweater actually has shoulder buttons, too. ($3.98 - AmVets) What is with me and purple right now? Daria must be influencing me!
These are seersucker pants. Did you want to read that again? Go ahead, I'll wait. I'm going to make them into shorts for the next Seersucker Social Bike Ride. They were a bit more than I normally pay for costume pieces at $7.99, but they fit so, I didn't argue too much.
I'll probably be wearing this shirt with them. It's just for the bike rides, not for real life. ($1.98 - AmVets)
This is the pair of pants that I'm going to alter for the Tweed Ride. ($5.99 - Savers) They are super high waisted, which is perfect for a 1940's look. I think that they are really just hounds tooth, but I don't care. They look tweedy and will work just fine. Again, they fit, so I bought them.
Now, if I might, I'd like to go on a rant. About Goodwill. The prices there have become astronomical. As in, so high only the astronauts in outer space can see them. Which, if you think about it is pretty high. $9 for a used pair of pants?! $9 for a USED PAIR OF SHOES!?!? What happened to you as a child that you think someone will buy a pair of OLD SHOES for $9!? I got so angry I walked out. I advise you to do the same. Goodwill is on some kind of hard drugs and won't be coming back to reality for some time. You might want to steer clear. I advise you to shop at Amvets. It's huge, has tons and tons of clothes, house wears, etc. and the prices are honestly the lowest of any thrift store I've been to in recent memory.
Make it so.
I loooooove the purple sweater! I kind of want to steal it, but I'm too happy to see you buying a COLOR! Btw, I think Santa is waving at me to taunt me. "That's right, Santa Claus is coming to freaking town."
ReplyDeleteYour Goodwill rant is about 3 months tardy. But I vote Salvo (on Wednesdays, obvs) instead of Amvets.