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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ronald McDonald Sale 2013

It's for the kids.

If you keep repeating that mantra, you stop trying to judge if something is too expensive, if you really need it or if there is a fatal flaw in even considering owning an item.

It's for the kids.

And I mean, honestly, it really is.  It's a huge fundraiser and I participate in two ways:  I donate goods and then I go with a huge group of friends and buy other people's old goods.  For hours.  Sweaty, stressful,  adrenaline laced hours.  So many people do the same thing.  It's a beautiful thing.

Do you know what else is a beautiful things?  This here.

One dollar.  And quite a few fantasies.  Ah-hem.

Mooving right along to something a bit less...sultry. (Don't even pretend like I'm the only one.) 

From left to right: A vintage Scottie dog plush $3, which after purchase I found out has a squeaker in it.  Which makes me feel like it might be a vintage dog toy.  Apparently that's my thing now.  A tiny little bear dressed as a witch, because, you know.  50 cents.  And a DINOSAUR EARRING HOLDER.  Thassssright.  I'm gonna spray paint that dino cotton candy pank.  Not pink.  This here is gonna be paank.  I can feel your jealousy.  Don't give in to the Dark Side.  Unless it's the Dark Side of the Moon.  Because that's a great album.

Some lovely fall ceramics.  The piece on the left is a wall pocket.  A wall pocket is a vase that is flat on one side with a hole to hang it on the wall.  It has iridescent paint.  $2. Gorgeous. The creamer was 50 cents.  There is a tiny leaf on the other side, too.

This is a wooden Christmas tree candle holder.  $2. It has black glitter and was hand painted.  And this baby has a wingspan.  Probably like two and a half feet.  I plan to put it on the mantel.  

A stunning configuration of decorations that human go nuts over!  The vintage glitter bells were $1.50, the tree was $1, both of the Mary with baby Jesus icons were 50 cents together and vintage ornament...well, the vintage ornament is Hallmark.  From the 80's and super detailed.  One of those ones that you put a light in.  Can you tell I'm trying to pump it up?  So that you won't judge me when I tell you that I paid $8 for it.  A whopping $8.  It's for the kids.

Swiss cheese A-frame Christmas mouse house.  Oh yeah, I think so.  There is a rug, a Christmas tree, a mouse decorating the tree, a shelf with items on it, a stove, and a loft with a mouse sleeping in a bed.  Come on with this already.  I've told you before and I'll tell you again.  If I'm ever found murdered it was vintage Hallmark Christmas mouse ornaments that did it.

The only thing about this sale was that I didn't find any Muppet things.  At ALL.  Not even something I already have.  I'm not going to lie, it was a bit of a letdown.  Then at the restaurant we gather at after the sale my friend Heather threw this at me.  CAN YOU EVEN?

No. You can't.  I'm not altogether sure what little Kermit is supposed to be dressed as back there.  I'm leaning towards magician.  He's obviously oblivious to witchy Miss Piggy roofie-ing the punch.  Kiss Kissy Mix my ass.

So, In Summary:
Boba Named His Ship After Me (Yowza!)
Is Crazy Dog Toy Lady Worse Than Crazy Cat Lady?
Christmas Decorating Starts In 15 Short Days, Kids!
Put That Ham In The Slammer

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