Monday, July 9, 2018

That's What She Said: All Time Want List

Greetings vintage lovers! @magicsummervintage and I have been hunting old things since we were wee lasses.  Let's not get into how long ago that was.  Let's instead focus on the old things that are before us.  And no, I'm not talking about our reflections in the mirror.  I'm talking about all the goodies that are yet to be found this summer. (Nearly) Every Friday we'll be taking to the road, hunting the treasures, and reporting back to you in our blogs.  We are both writing about the same adventures, so that you can get a really full experience.  Because, obviously this is what you want to be doing with your time.  Reading about two people that you don't know finding "treasure" that looks mostly like garbage.  Garbage - ho! (Incidentally, my new nickname.)

Check out Ann's blog here.

The red basket is back!  Whilst all the other patrons shelter in the shade, I refuse to move from the sunny spot.  Because, we all know it will be gone too soon!

Everyone has an All Time Want List.  A list of things that you are always keeping an eye out for.  Something you maybe saw somewhere once and it was way too expensive - or something you saw on someone's Instagram feed and you just have to have one. There is something that has been on my All Time Want List for a few years.  The wire pagoda plant stand.  

Now, let's be clear. I do not grow plants. I'm the kiss of death to house plants.  Even those "so easy to grow" varieties. My mother can make any house plant flourish with the most minimal of effort.  I'm the opposite. She has a lot of these vintage wire plant stands, and none of them really thrill me, because plants.  But, the pagoda plant stand.  That's another thing entirely.  The shape!  My plans for it have always been to paint it high gloss red, the way it was obviously always intended to be.  And then to have the hubs cut pieces of wood for the shelves so that my knickknacks won't fall through. Because this baby is going to hold vintage decore.  Not plants.

While I was perusing the photos for estate sales last week - I saw it!  The vintage wire pagoda plant stand!  I knew that we would be at the sale on day two, so there was a chance it would be gone already. I also could tell from the photos that the stand was residing in the basement.  So, when we were let in to the sale, I was ready to charge - and ran for the basement.

Like so often happens with the "treasures" that I most want - I did not have one lick of  competition.  There, at the bottom of the stairs leading to the basement, was the pagoda plant stand. And, being that it was day two of the sale, it was half off.  I paid four whole dollars for something on my All Time Want List!  Behold!!

Having secured the object of my desire, I felt free to wander the sale at a less breakneck pace.  Ann struck out in the closets, but was keen to show me some creepy holiday stuff.  Holiday items are almost always stuck in the basement.  They are not a priority these days. Which is fine with me! I'm happy to pick up all the spoils looked over by other shoppers!  Holiday is ALWAYS a priority with me.

I rifled through this closet and came up empty handed. But on the way to the next basement closet full of holiday stuff, I saw the top of a large green envelope sticking out from behind some flotsam, with the word "Hallmark" shining like a magic beacon!  I gasped and grabbed for it, and stopped Ann in her tracks.  We couldn't see the design on the front, other items were piled in front of it.  Just the promise of "Hallmark Congratulations Centerpiece" and the knowledge that there would be honeycomb.  I asked Ann, "What do you think it's going to beeee?!"  With a little more anticipation and enthusiasm than I think she was ready for.  She just gave me a look and was like, "I don't know, dude."

CAN YOU EVEN STAND IT!?  It's only the cutest freaking diploma the world has ever seen! While I was giggling with glee and squealing over the cuteness, Ann was nonplussed.  "It looks like a roll of paper towels", she said with a straight face.  AS IF.

I honstley never even looked at the price tag.  It seems to be marked $1 and that means I paid 50 cents! All the pieces are intact.  And it's alarmingly cute.

I skirted a creepy Easter bunny, but did manage to find a few vintage masks, which are some of my favorite Halloween delights.

There was a lot of beautiful (breakable) vintage stuff. I'm really bad at packaging breakables, so that's why I try not to sell them.  These drink caddies were really tempting though.

The man who had owned this house had worked for Mutual of Omaha. There was a ton of M.O.O. swag to be found.  Coolers, belt buckles, sunglasses for the love.  We found these blue wool berets and though the pins were funny.  Then I noticed the logo. M.O.O. strikes again!

When we finally drug ourselves up from the netherworld into the daylight, I found a room with a scoot.  It always makes me a big nostalgic to see a scoot.  Even a weird one like this where the geometry seems to be all messed up.  It also gives me a pain.  Right in the ankle.

In one of the closets that turned up nothing for Ann, I found a fun 80s straw hat.  I have a few boating adventures this summer and thought a little shade might be nice. (Not that I can't throw shade with the best of them!) I also took a quick peek at the jewelry table before I checked out and found a pretty (fake) turquoise ring and a lovely Native American head (M.O.O.) belt buckle for the mister. (I failed to get a photo of it, however.) Ann found a necklace for her mister, and that was the only thing she bought.  Sad times.

Tune in next week for our adventures rummaging around a digger estate sale and a neighborhood sale!

For more photos of our finds, check us out on Instagram at:

Or if you are in need of some vintage treasures of your own,
visit our shops:

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