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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Doggie Days Of Summer

For a long time now, the husband and I have been talking about adding to our family.  Not so much in the "pitter-patter of little feet" arena, but more in the "pitter-patter of paws" genre.

A few weeks ago, we decided the search should begin in earnest.  It didn't last very long.  We found our match in a little yorkie-shih tzu mix at Lollypop Farm.  This place is amazing.  Run on donations, volunteers, and a great deal of love, you could not ask for a more rewarding adoption experience.

The husband and I took a half day off of work to interview two yorkies that had just gone up for adoption.  Don't misunderstand me, we didn't want two fur babies, but we thought it would be nice to have a choice.  By the time we got there one had been adopted already.  The other was being interviewed by a lady who had her wild grandkids with her.

Thankfully she decided against the pooch, who she had been told was not potty trained.  We were told the same thing when it was our turn for the interview.  But, we fell in love anyway and were instructed to come back in two days to pick up the newest member of our family who the husband named Sprocket.  (Yes, after the pup on Fraggle Rock)

He's a very good natured little dude and is fitting in well at The Snug Bungalow.  He is potty trained (accept for two slip ups so far) and sleeps well during the night.  He doesn't bark much and loves humans like crazy.

The only problem we seem to be having is his extreme anxiety when we leave.  I don't think it lasts long though, and by the time we get home again it's like Christmas has come early.  I love how he wakes up every morning with so much excitement like it's going to be the best day yet. 

He played in the water today and as you can see came out looking like a drowned rat.  His legs looked like chicken wings they were so skinny.  Like little pirate peg-legs.  Poor kid needs to be groomed pretty badly.  Tuesday is his appointment and I can't wait to see how good he feels like after a dematting, hair cut, bath and blow dry.  Oh god, I hope they give him one of those little bandannas!

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