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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Kitchen Clutter

Our kitchen decor really centers around this dish rack/butcher block piece that the husband got at Kmart a decade ago.  It's a Martha Stewart piece and we love it.  It fits our space really well and corrals a bunch of our pots and pans that would otherwise be homeless.  Nothing more sad than kitchen utensils living on the street at Christmas time.  I always deck it out with my snazzy red tinsel tree and some very choice vintage ornaments. Behold:

On top of the rack only one decoration holds court.  The majestic (and new!) reproduction white feather tree.  No, this version is not made with real feathers.  The antique versions were, however.  I strung this gloriously pristine lady with a small length of vintage red mercury beads.  God, I could just look at that all day.

1 comment:

  1. I do love the vintage ornaments. Fyi, my twinkle lights are still going strong.
