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Friday, September 30, 2016

The One Where I Move To Miami

It's no secret that I love the Golden Girls.  My only regret is that I didn't find those sassy ladies sooner in life.  I consider their work ground breaking.  A show about women over 50 living vibrant, meaningful lives? Yeah. Ground breaking.  Even for today.  

They confront real issues that women face: menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, harassment, sexism, divorce, artificial insemination, and more!  Can you imagine someone writing a script wherein the stars of the show, five women ranging in age from 55-80, talk candidly about their first period?  Or the first time they had sex?  Without being zany or getting interrupted by a man who had more important things for them to do? No. You can't. And that's something more than tragic.

Plus, they live in Florida.  I mean, come on. To quote the show "Miami, Miami, you've got style - blue skies, sunshine, white sand by the mile!"

Sophia is my favorite.  A tiny little Italian fireball who would spit in your eye just as fast as ask you to dinner. Suspicious and streetwise, that lady has everyone's number.  One of the details I love the most is that she carries her purse everywhere.  When she gets a midnight snack in her own home, she's got her purse on her arm. I begin to wonder what's in the bag that is so important.  I always assumed it was a hand gun. 

I've been on the lookout for a Sophia-like purse for a while now.  Last week the Estate Sale gods smiled on me. I scored this plastic wicker number for $1.50!  I can't wait to take it to the beach or wear it with a vintage sarong dress! 

I also scored this barkcloth curtain panel for $2 at the thrift. It's for a long window, short in height.  I do not have such a window. And I do not care.  I will make it work. It's the stuff of dreams with it's tropical foliage and pink flowers!

The funky plastic stack of oranges is a bottle.  One of the leaves on top is a lid that flips open.  So weird.  So tacky.  So cool.  It's really trying to insist that I paint an Orange Bird face on it, but I'm not sure that I will.  It would also make a sensational lamp base.

Can you even take how gorgeous this gold glitter purse is? Friggin' amazing. And if you zoom in a bit you can see the black and gold earrings and matching necklace pendant that I scored.  Palm trees and flamingos, people!  The orange plastic girl face is a hand mirror. Can you see that her hair is the handle?  So sweet!

See how well equipped I am for the Florida life? It would feel like a dream living so close to so many beaches.  The Snug Bungalow residents love a beach.

We are also slowly starting to refurbish our second floor.  It's a tiny place with short ceilings. Right now I'm tearing out all the old, disgusting carpet. (carpet is the worst) We will paint and put down new flooring and move our bedroom upstairs.  I have tropical plans for that room and have been gathering things to help make it so for a few years, a bit at a time.

One of the real draws of refurbishing our second floor into an area that we'll actually use, is being able to decorate that space for holidays!

With things like this! I'm planning to use this new "vintage style" box to hold one of my table top trees.  I'll put bits and bobs in the box to fill it in around the tree, of course.

The ceramic Easter egg is painted so nicely.  Looks real and delicious!

It's now time for:
New In My Etsy Shop!
(Click on a photo to be taken to the listing in my Etsy shop.)

Vintage Ideal Rubber Face Baby Doll
Truthfully, these things terrify me.  I feel like most toys from this time period were based on some kind of a dare. Hideous faces pulled into contorted expressions of sadness or joy or...pure evil.  Rubber faces and fuzzy bodies! What the hell kind of sadistic toy manufacturers did they have in the 50s anyway?  But there are many people who love and collect these guys.  These are the kinds of people who have a hard time defining the line between creepy and cute.  You know who you are.

Vintage My Little Pony Baby Bottles
I vividly remember the Christmas when I received my first Baby Pony.  Baby Moon Dancer. She came in a large box, filled with accessories!  There was a necklace, a ducky pull-toy, a rocker, and a bottle!

Vintage Rainbow Brite Doll
This girl is a ray of sunshine! (which hits water droplets and refracts...) She's here to spread color to the whole world. Yarn hair always confused me a little bit as a kid, I mean, we'd all seen how awesome Barbie/My Little Pony hair was...right??  I mean, even Cabbage Patch kids got in to it after a while with Cornsilk and all that.  But, Rainbow Brite is really rocking the yarn look.  And the puffy space dress.

Until next time, happy hunting!

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