It's no secret. By now you should know. I frequent thrift stores. I love them. I love the variety, items that have a history, the way it's like treasure hunting, the prices, I mean, there is a lot to love. Henrietta is thrift store Mecca. There are tons of them there, ripe for the picking.
The first time I ventured into Savers it was the day before one of their major sales. When we went through the check out we were offered a pamphlet letting us know about the Savers Club Card. This card was free and would allow us to get major sales the day before the sale. There is nothing quite like a pre-sale to whet the appetite of a great sale-er.
All you do is sign up on the website! I greedily took the pamphlet and read it over, twice. Special coupons, deals on your birthday, random sales for card holders only, plus the pre-sale sales! I felt like Ralphie salivating over his Little Orphan Annie secret decoder ring. All I had to do was sign up! to their website I went. I'd signed up for other cards online. Panera Bread and Subway. These cards racked up points with each of your purchases, giving you FREE items! I'd just like to state for the record that the Panera card is one of the best card programs I've ever been in. I swear, I get a free item just about every other visit. And it's not cheap stuff either. It's good stuff. For free.
OK, so, I've got my pamphlet, I'm on the website. I sign up and asked to print out a confirmation to be brought back into the store where they will then issue me a card. Mmmmkay. See, here's the thing. This is no longer convenient. In fact, it's starting to smack of stupidity. With the other cards I've signed up for they issue the card in the store. They have them right out for anyone to grab. Then you go to a website, register said card and BAM! You're in business.
So, now we have to get the pamphlet, go to the website, sign up, print a confirmation, bring it back in to the store, get a card and then bam? OK, fine. But this is the most bass-ackwards way of doing this that I've ever heard of. If this was for a regular store I'd ask them to bend over so that I could dispose of their paper confirmation the proper way.
After pressing print, nothing happened. This confused me. I pressed the back button to try again. It told me I had already printed a confirmation and couldn't do it more than once. This infuriated me. Let stupid Savers keep their stupid confirmation, their card and their stupid system, I thought. And I forgot about the card.
Until I started receiving their emails. Because I had signed up, you see. So I got to see all the promotions I could have been getting if their stupid card system would only work. That's pretty annoying in case you didn't guess. So I wrote to them describing my problem and trying (probably not very well) to hide my deep and growing resentment and frustration. After THREE email exchanges I learned that the confirmation will not print from browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. You pretty much are forced to use Explorer. (I think I just threw up in my mouth a little) Why this known problem wasn't mentioned on their sign up site is beyond my ability to imagine.
So, finally I got my printed paper confirmation (what is this, 1982?) and I took it with me to the pre-Veterans day sale. And I was issued my card, which inexplicably has a bar code on it. It was never scanned once. Not when it was issued and not when it was used. I just try not to think about it. I was also issued a paper coupon. What the crap good is having a card if you don't actually DO anything with the card?? I ask you?? I can't think about that. It will just send me in mad mind circles. I just have to concentrate on the fact that I got 50% off ALL of the items (except books) that I bought. Here they are. Just let the deals flow over your mind and wash away all the angst you've undoubtedly accumulated reading the beginning of this post. There weren't even any pictures in it. (Nobody wants to see bloody eyeballs, and brains exploding with inconceivable inefficiency, ok?)
Black (More of a really dark gray if you want my opinion. And I know you do) cardigan:
$3 with sale.

Green argyle sweater: $1.50 with sale

Blue dress: $4.00 with sale.
It's missing a button, but when I tried it on the button hits right about nipple level. That's never nice. So, I'm going to pick two fabulous buttons from my vintage stash and move them up to the lapels. I also think this dress is very Zooey Deschanel from 500 Days of Summer. What? You haven't seen that movie? STOP what you are doing RIGHT NOW and go watch it. That is not a request, people!! I'll wait....I'm glad you're back. You loved it, didn't you? You're adding it to your Christmas list, aren't you? Yeah, I thought so. I know, Joe is so cute, isn't he? I mean, that's why he's my boyfriend, after all. Come on with those freaking dimples, right?
So...what were we talking about?

I call this one the confetti dress. Even though it's not really. $5 with the sale. It had the original tags on it and hasn't ever been worn. Score. It is also a sun dress that was not made for someone with A cups. That almost never happens. I can't wait to wear it!
Check out the close up:

White dress with black polka dots: $4 with the sale.
Ridiculously adorable. I can't wait to wear it! I can probably just wear it tomorrow since it's been averaging about 60 degrees this November. We've broken the planet. That's it. They'll have to revoke that whole "no white after labor day" rule, because when it's a million degrees in November, why bother?
Oh, p.s. ... if you want to get any other coupons or deals from your "card" you have to print those out too. So really, the card is sort of like nipples on a man. They are there, for looks, apparently but they don't DO anything.
Oh, I can't leave you with that imagery. Quick, look at the buttons from the last dress. They're anchors. Cute, eh?

$3 with sale.
Green argyle sweater: $1.50 with sale
Blue dress: $4.00 with sale.
It's missing a button, but when I tried it on the button hits right about nipple level. That's never nice. So, I'm going to pick two fabulous buttons from my vintage stash and move them up to the lapels. I also think this dress is very Zooey Deschanel from 500 Days of Summer. What? You haven't seen that movie? STOP what you are doing RIGHT NOW and go watch it. That is not a request, people!! I'll wait....I'm glad you're back. You loved it, didn't you? You're adding it to your Christmas list, aren't you? Yeah, I thought so. I know, Joe is so cute, isn't he? I mean, that's why he's my boyfriend, after all. Come on with those freaking dimples, right?
So...what were we talking about?
I call this one the confetti dress. Even though it's not really. $5 with the sale. It had the original tags on it and hasn't ever been worn. Score. It is also a sun dress that was not made for someone with A cups. That almost never happens. I can't wait to wear it!
Check out the close up:
White dress with black polka dots: $4 with the sale.
Ridiculously adorable. I can't wait to wear it! I can probably just wear it tomorrow since it's been averaging about 60 degrees this November. We've broken the planet. That's it. They'll have to revoke that whole "no white after labor day" rule, because when it's a million degrees in November, why bother?
Oh, p.s. ... if you want to get any other coupons or deals from your "card" you have to print those out too. So really, the card is sort of like nipples on a man. They are there, for looks, apparently but they don't DO anything.
Oh, I can't leave you with that imagery. Quick, look at the buttons from the last dress. They're anchors. Cute, eh?
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