I'm a girl who likes her Converse sneakers. Or, as they are generally called: Chucks. (nicknamed for Charles Taylor) I've worn them since seventh grade. 21 years of friendship between me and 'ol Charles. (Could it be a coincidence that it's the same amount of time I've known and loved Santa Fe?)
Now, I realize that these paragons of style (Just how many other sneakers have remain virtually unchanged and a top seller since 1917?!) aren't for everyone. They have no arch support at all making them severely uncomfortable to many. I, on the other hand, have zero arch in my foot and need a shoe with no support for what isn't there in the first place. Thus, a love affair was born.
I've always worn the black Chuck Taylors. But in college I branched out and bought myself a pair of red. That was 14 years ago. I still wear that exact pair. The black ones get changed out every five years or so. I also acquired a pair of summery plaid Chucks from my mother a few years ago and most recently I've hungered for a pair of green.
I searched online for a super deal for days. I like to pay $20 for my Chucks. That's the original price I paid, 21 years ago, see? And somehow I've gotten it into my head that it is the true and correct price for these shoes. Inflation? Never hoid of it!
In actuality these shoes are about $40 a pop these days. That's hard to swallow for someone like me who raised herself on yard sales and thrift stores. $40 seems like a tremendous amount for shoes. When I look at it logically, I know this isn't true. Most sneakers are at least $80, if not more. By all accounts Chucks are still a steal! And it doesn't seem that they'll EVER go out of style! And if they aren't worn every single day, a pair may last 14 years or so!
I kept repeating all of this in my head as I forced myself to purchase them...*gulp* at full price! They arrived about three days later (Awesomely fast shipping!) bright and shiny new. If you wear Chucks, you know we can't have that. We can't have that gleaming white rubber staring us in the face for long. You gotta wear those babies in. So that's what I'm planning to do this weekend. Hopefully by St. Pat's day they'll be nice and grubby.
In contrast to my mania about spending $40 on a pair of shoes that will last me more than a decade, I recently purchased this. Yes, that's right. I spent $18 with shipping on a piece of old wallpaper. Not an entire roll, mind you. Just a piece. It's Muppets and it's (old ya know) from the 70's and it's amazing. I don't have plans for it. I'm not going to "do" anything with it. I won't get "use" out of it, like I will the shoes. So think about that for a while, if you dare.
So, in summary:
I love Chuck
Fashion Tips from the Turn of the Century
Flat Feet
Overcoming the Insanity
You Paid How Much for What Now?
I love Chuck
Fashion Tips from the Turn of the Century
Flat Feet
Overcoming the Insanity
You Paid How Much for What Now?

I dunno, $40 feels like a lot to me! I only paid $30 for my full-price favorite black concert heels! Also, I love your summaries, I'm glad you bought the Muppets paper, and is it kind of creepy or just sad that you and I are the only ones who comment on each others' blogs?
ReplyDeleteYes! I'm so glad you bought the wallpaper.
ReplyDeleteI won't mention what I spend on shoes.