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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Slow Start

Isn't this marvellous?  The picture is horrid, to be sure.  The Snug Bungalow is a dark place, alas, and I am not overly handy with a camera.  But you can still get the general wonderfulness of the poster, can't you?  My Friend Carla is an artist and she created this print by carving and printing.  I nagged her until she let me purchase a poster early then I promptly slapped it in a frame and stuck it on my wall above the fireplace.  It makes me happy every time I look at it.

In other amazing news: My lilac tree has a flower!!  It's not actually "out" yet, but I can see it, and it's real, and it's finally, finally happened!  After six or so years, the tiny little transplant from my great grandma's tree is producing blooms!  Well, ok...bloom.  But it's thrilling nonetheless.

There were two more church sales on Saturday.  We also stopped at a thrift store as well.    The husband was good enough to find me another pair of black chucks for TWO dollars on the kid's shoe rack.  I have the red shoes in pink as well. They were also two dollars.  And picture frames because I literally cannot have enough.

More beer glasses because I keep smashing our regular drinking glasses.  I also found the vintage compact at a great deal.  It's for a friend.

Nothing overly wonderful.  It's not like I found a Muppet item or something.  But, there are more sales this weekend.  Even though it snowed on Monday (Blast you, April!!) and was so heavy that it broke a million tree limbs, tons of people lost power (Including my work...surprise day off!) and also interrupted internet service (At my house.  So I had the day off but I could only really clean or read.  I did both.)  The temperatures are creeping upwards at a snails pace.  Because of this I've reached the point in the year where I cannot care about my wardrobe.  I'd honestly wear the same exact jeans and sweat shirt every single day if I thought nobody would notice.  I haven't put on eye makeup in two weeks.  I can't care.  I can't.  Not when I have to wear four layers just to stay warm.  Not when I have to wear closed-toed shoes and socks.  Not when I can't wear the accessories I want and have to cover up with a large scarf.  My mind is protecting it's self, and I cannot care.  So, if you suspect me of wearing my gray sweater for the fourth day in a row, tread lightly.  I'm very fragile at the moment.

So, in summary:
Talented Friend
An April Miracle
Some Stuff
April Is Killing Me Softly

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