The first sale of the 2012 season was at a middle school in Irondequoit. I'd never been to this sale before, and I don't generally let my expectations run amok in that situation. But, when we arrived, the parking lot was full and people were already pulling away with truckloads of things. Literally. This made me practically run to the entrance. When a sale has started minutes earlier and people are already leaving with truckloads of items, you need to run. That's like, one of the most basic rules. You might want to write that down.
I was caught off guard because there was a $1 admission fee. I wasn't prepared for that so they had to break a 20 for me. Salers consider that kind of a dick move. To make them break your 20 dollar bill first thing in the morning? Yeah, I was that jerk.
So, it was set up in the gym and it was full of vendors. Like a mini dome sale. Which, incidentally some of the exact same vendors were at. (I'm looking at you overpriced vintage jewelry salespeople!)
In attendance: Me, husband, Sarah Mae, Kara, Kelly, Noah & Vito. A good, hopeful crowd. I'll show you what they got in alphabetical order. And I apologize. These are phone pictures.

Kara got a vintage wine selector booklet, a gorgeous vintage rhinestone pin for her mother with the most amazing colored blue stones, a squirrel couple that hang on a pot (Word on the street is that she's going to hang them in her office so that they are peeking at her from above her monitor.) and a vintage mirrored 3d (Did you get all that?) picture of Niagara Falls. It needs a tinch of tlc, but it's nothing a few minutes with a hot glue gun won't fix. The thing is gorgeous. It even has faux flowers in there. You can't imagine what the person was thinking when they created this as a souvenir. It's amazing. And I think it was like $2. I was able to help Kara purchase more things than she normally would with my super power: Enabling.
Maybe that's my X-Men power. I had a dream the other night that I was a member of the X-Men. But I never got to use my power during the dream on account of Prof. X not wanting us to when we were out in public. And we were at the movie theater. Scott Summers used his powers though. He was mad that they wouldn't let him out of the parking lot because they said he owed them money for parking. He just lasered the crap out of the arm on the booth and drove right through. I told him that Prof. X was going to be upset at him. On second thought, I think my power is more likely to be in the bossiness realm. (Not a peep from any of your!)

Kelly bought a book about the Pyramids and a Diet Coke. They had a full on lunch area at this sale. One second longer and I would have caved and had a nice bowl of chili. It smelled so good. And you just know some middle schooler's grandma made it. Old Lady food is always the best, don't try to deny it. Probably I need to ask Kelly why she picked this book and then dazzle her with my theory about movies and pyramids. In case you are dying to hear what that is all about yourself, I'll tell you. My theory is that any movie involving the pyramids in any way is a sucky movie. Can you think of one good movie involving the pyramids? Nope, Stargate doesn't even count, so don't try it. You know it's a sucky movie and just because you don't want to admit it, it doesn't make it less true.
Ok, I didn't take a picture of the husband and his stuff. I forgot. And I had his stuff in my bag and so that added to the forgetfulness. He got files. For $1 each. You know, like, tools? Yes, those files. He said they are about $15 each or more in the stores. He was pretty excited about it, really. I should have taken a picture.

Noah got to the sale first and scored the awesome glass turtle lamp. For $1. It's very beautiful. He also got an Apple keyboard for $2 and a game new in the package
OK, now I'm going out of alphabetical order, but it's only because Sarah Mae bought the most and the biggest (obviously) and it's going to take a while to get through her stuff.

Vito got this entire pile of tools for $10. He was pretty impressed. He waved one clamp at us and said that just that one item would be over $10 new in the store. Check out the dudes scoring some stuff they can get excited about. I love when that happens.
Sarah Mae

Don't act like this surprises you. If you've been reading this blog over the past year you know that Sarah Mae likes herself some creepy babies. And while these little guys aren't babies, they are creepy Dickension Christmas carolers.

Then we have this fun bunch of trinkets. I love souvenirs.

A group shot including the Noel mugs with elves as handles!

A group shot including the Noel mugs with elves as handles!

Here are two items that I found for Sarah Mae and bought for her. On purpose. The pink haired fairy baby on the left shouldn't be confused with an angel. Because she isn't. Firstly, she has no halo and wings that I'd clearly categorize as fairy wings. Lastly, she's in a negligee. The "Baby" statue is terrifying. I know it is. But, it's what she likes. Try not to think about the fact that the infant is in a semi-sexual coy pose. There are a disturbing amount of these items out there.
Sarah Mae also bought a large roll of upholstery fabric from the 1960's for $10 in shades of brown, white and orange and some 1940's paper print block things for $1 each. They have some great illustrations from the 40's.
Last but not least: Me. I got a few things for my Etsy shop and two other things: A roll of green crepe paper streamers and an unopened bag of vintage chenille pipe cleaners. I think I spent less than $5 all told. And I didn't take a picture because I'm lazy. But I will leave you with this pleasing image:

My mom brought these back from her trip to Florida for me. I have the most awesome mom on the planet.
Also, the covert craft project is coming along well. Only one more to do! Then I can show you what I've made!
Sarah Mae also bought a large roll of upholstery fabric from the 1960's for $10 in shades of brown, white and orange and some 1940's paper print block things for $1 each. They have some great illustrations from the 40's.
Last but not least: Me. I got a few things for my Etsy shop and two other things: A roll of green crepe paper streamers and an unopened bag of vintage chenille pipe cleaners. I think I spent less than $5 all told. And I didn't take a picture because I'm lazy. But I will leave you with this pleasing image:
My mom brought these back from her trip to Florida for me. I have the most awesome mom on the planet.
Also, the covert craft project is coming along well. Only one more to do! Then I can show you what I've made!
So, in summary:
Power Of Enabling
Don't Be Jealous Of My Dream
Movies With Pyramids = Not Good
Forgetful And Lazy
Creepy Babies Want To Seduce You
Yes, I Did Need Another Pair Of Converse
Power Of Enabling
Don't Be Jealous Of My Dream
Movies With Pyramids = Not Good
Forgetful And Lazy
Creepy Babies Want To Seduce You
Yes, I Did Need Another Pair Of Converse
hhmm...who could that craft be for, I wonder?
ReplyDeleteI love most of Sarah's things, but that baby statue is horrifying. Why is it trying to get me in bed? I want to know more about the item in the group shot what is either a donkey or a scotty dog on the left.
For the record, my captcha word is tesicles. baha!