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Monday, July 1, 2013

What Three Dollars Will Get Ya

A few weeks ago (I'm a little behind, so sue me.) I went to a sale in a neighborhood called Pumpkin Hill.  One of the main streets is called Sleepy Hollow.  Yep.  A lot of older people live there so I generally find some awesome stuff.

This year it was raining.  That's because it's been raining pretty much every single day since April. Dear upstate New York, enough already.  Now go to your room and think about what you've done.  So, what with all the rain, all the rain, there weren't many people holding sales this year.

I spent three dollars and got three amazing things.

Dollar #1- Vintage Green Paper Lamp Shade.  This item was marked "Make Offer".  So I did.  And I won.  Then the husband and I devised a way to hang it from our ceiling fixture.  Yes.

Dollar #2- Gorgeous Pink Feather Fan.  I mean, just look at it and try not to drool.  What will I do with it, you ask?  I'll wait for the right moment and then BAM!

Dollar #3- Amazing Reversible Raincoat Which Is Nearly Just Like The One I've Been Coveting For Years.  The one I had when I was a kid was green and navy blue with whales.  It looked like this. (Alas, that one has sold, and not to me.) So, this one was one dollar and my size and I'll use it until I find Moby Dick.

In other news, my mom just graduated from college.  It wasn't something she was able to do after high school but something she dearly wanted.  So, she did it.  She made it happen.  She worked full time and went to school for years.  And finally this June, she graduated. To say that I'm proud of her is the grossest understatement of the year.  She's brave, she's smart, she's amazing.  She's my mom.

 (My mom and her mom.)

So, In Summary:
$3 and a Dream
My Mom, My Hero

1 comment:

  1. That pink fan is going to give me nightmares. If that was in my house I'd literally be afraid of waking up to find it sneaking up on me.

    But the raincoat is awesome. And also, your mom.
