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Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Hit

I refer to a really good sale as "a hit".  Like an addict.  A sale where you get all kinds of goodies is "a hit"  and today, I had one.

Last night I loaded up my car with donations for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester sale.  Today was the donation day.  On my way to donate, there happened to be a really juicy looking estate sale that I'd stalked online.  It had plastic, and lots of it.  You know how I love my plastic.

It makes a lot of sense to me to donate goods and purchase more goods on the same day.  Almost within the same hour.  Circle of life type shit.  Good stuff.

I spent $7.

Three of those dollars were spent on this.  A denim clothespin holder.  I'm lucky enough to have a relatively dry basement with a clothesline in it.  Why not outside, you ask?  Aren't clotheslines supposed to be outside, so that you get the scent of the air and the sun on your clothes as they bask and dry?  Don't be an idiot.  This is New York state.  If I had an outdoor clothesline I could use it two, maybe three minutes per year.  And the only scents my clothes would imbibe from being outside would be cold and despair with a side of taxes, maybe. In general clothespin holders are more adorable than this.  I figure if I find a cuter one, I'll just trade up.

Now on to the real haul. Sadly, someone with similar taste to mine (or someone who will be attending a white elephant party sometime soon) got there before me and scooped up some of the more glamorous plastic items.  Like the plastic leaf candle ring with plastic flocked chicks and Easter eggs and the huge plastic bunny floral pick.  The good news is that there was enough plastic and holiday flotsam to satiate my considerable appetite.

Plus, I was just talking about not having enough Easter decorations, and BAM!  A few more. You can't really tell from this picture but the tiny white Easter bunny second from the right is wearing an Easter basket as a hat, people.  It's ridiculous. All of the picks were .50 together, the plastic flocked pumpkin was also .50, and all four of the tiny plastic easter dudes in front were .50 as a set.  The chartreuse glass garland was one whole dollar. 

Will you look at how unhappy those honeycomb pumpkin party picks are?  They've had it.

So, in Summary:
That Hit Was So Good I Basically Can't Even

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