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Monday, April 6, 2015

Ain't No Sunshine

Only darkness, everyday.

Honestly, this winter is worse than last winter.  I say is worse, because we had snow yesterday.  In April. On Easter.  As a general rule, NY state is not a sunny one.  We have full cloud cover at least part of almost every day.  Lately I've been feeling like I run on solar power and haven't had access to real light in ages.  My batteries are run down and I'm desperate enough to chase a beam of light across the office, inching my chair to stay in it as it moves across the day.

Blue sky is very distracting.  I can't stop looking at it when it shows itself. In those brief, gorgeous moments I become fully entranced by it.  Blue sky is totally mesmerizing.  As if I've never seen it before.  But, it does feel like that. Most days.

Of course, the rare sunny day does not also mean that it is warm.  We haven't really seen warm yet.  Only flirted with it a little.  I can't wait to be hot.  Not just warm but hot.  I want to remember what it feels like to sweat.  I'll even happily take boob sweat at this point.  And you know how gross and uncomfortable that is.

I've been doing a bit of sale-ing and a bit of decorating to distract me from the horror that is six months of winter.

I'm happily living in a dream world by collecting objects for a room I don't have: My tropical tiki bedroom.  I got this tray for $1.  It's hand painted, probably at one of those ceramic shops long ago.  It's got great graphic appeal and will look great holding some of my gold bracelets in the bedroom of my dreams.  I got the set of wooden bangle bracelets for $5.  Because this dream room extends to my wardrobe.  You gotta have wooden bangle bracelets to be a good tiki lady.

I got this gorgeous red plastic spoon straw (yes, they are both spoon and straw!) set for 75 cents.  What a hip thing to stir your cocktail with!

This robin's egg wreath was picked up on sale at JoAnn Fabrics.  I thought it was too pretty not to share.  It looks great with my Easter decor, which has been up since last month.  Of course.

Here is the fireplace mantle.  New this year is the addition of the small paper lanterns.  Still cannot get enough of those.  I'd really love to find some vintage honeycomb paper easter eggs.  Though now I've probably jinxed it.

This is a shelf in my dining room decked out for the holiday.

A close up of my awesome vintage chick couple.  Made of styrofoam and felt mostly.

The colors of this garland fit better in the living room, but I couldn't find the right spot for it this year.  It's doing it's thing in the dining room instead.

I absolutely love the colors of my main Easter display.  Hot pink, green and yellow. Bright and sugary.  I've collected some very adorable things over the years.

This is my glass front cabinet, all duded up for the holiday.  I got the phrase "duded up" from Back to the Future 3, in case you are wondering what is going on with that.  I believe the full line is, "All duded up like some egg-sucking gutter trash."  That's it.  The holiday spirit!

The inside of the cabinet, door by door.

That's it for Easter.  I don't even have enough decorations for the bathroom!  Can you believe it?  The horror.

The good news is that the Ronald McDonald Charities sale is next month.  So hopefully I can remedy my terrible Easter decoration drought.

So, In Summary:
Winter is the devil.
And also I'd like to hear more people use the term "egg-sucking gutter trash" when referring to friends and family members.

1 comment:

  1. Hey...calling yourself solar powered is MY schtick. ;)
