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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Beating the Blues

Can you call it "the blues" if you've got it from not ever seeing blue sky?  Shouldn't it be called "the grays"?  I guess I'm treading in Breakfast at Tiffany's teritory, here.  But, honestly.   It's gotten so bad that in a brief moment of real sunshine, I see it glinting off a car and want to call attention to it.  Like some child seeing a bird for the first time.  "Look!  See?  Shiny!  Warm!  Want!"

It's getting ugly desperate up in here.

So, in order to banish the gray sky/high winds blues I went shopping.  I know that a lot of people do this as therapy, but it's not really my style.  I'm not what you'd call a girly girl.  I prefer whisky and soda to some pink drink that tastes like candy, I hate shopping for clothes and, I never want to spend more than three minutes on my hair and makeup.

But today, I joined the masses of men and woman who soothe themselves with consumerism.  Just to prove I haven't lost myself completely, I started at an estate sale.  I was highly rewarded with some gorgeous 80s earrings.  $3 each.

I can't wait to wear them.  Blanche, Dorothy, Rose and Sophia are going to be so proud.  The polka dot pair gets worn on the diagonal.  Like badasses.  The light pink pair has a very pearly shine.  The round ones are just huge, and the squares are a very saturated plum color that I'm in love with.

This dude was hidden way in the back of a table full of Christmas junk.  He was covered in wax drippings of every color that thankfully, did not stain.  $4 Napco reindeer head vase.  I can't wait to cram some Christmas picks in his head, or maybe some sparkly garland, ooh-ooh!  Or maybe some glass garland!  So many choices!!

After the estate sale I went tanning.  Ten minutes of warmth and "sun".   It's always so jarring when that light snaps off and you are slammed back into the reality of laying half naked in a light bulb coffin.  We do what we must to survive.  I imagine the first human inhabitants of Mars will experience similar moments.  

Then it was onward to a real store.  Where I paid full price for a pair of brown wedge shoes and a mint green purse after going in after dresses and shirts.  More money than I've spent on myself for two things in a very, very long time. This is the way retail therapy works, I'm told.

So, In Summary:
Just Another American Spending Until I Feel Happy

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